From: Matthew
GAMSAT Timinggamsat timing

Don’t be fooled by some rumours you may hear- the GAMSAT exam is not a 12 hour long test. In saying this, you will need to be prepared to clear your calendar for the day and arrange to arrive to the exam early. If you are late to the exam you will not be allowed in.

So, let’s look at GAMSAT timing… The day of the GAMSAT exam consists of 5.5 hours testing time, 25 minutes reading time, and a 1 hour break before section 3.

Section 1:
This section of the exam is called the Reasoning in Humanities section. There are 75 multiple choice questions to be completed in 100 minutes, with 10 minutes additional reading time. Students therefore have 1.3333 minutes to complete each question in section 1.

Section 2:
This section of the exam is called the Written Communication section. Students are required to write two essays in 60 minutes, with 5 minutes additional reading time. It is commonsense that students should spend 30 minutes on each essay in this section.

Section 3:
This section of the exam is called the Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences section. There are 110 multiple choice questions to be completed in 170 minutes, with 10 minutes additional reading time. Students therefore have 1.545 minutes to complete each question in section 3.

The only break in the GAMSAT is between section 2 and 3. This break is for one hour. Those sitting the exam may use the bathroom during testing time however, not during reading time or in the final 10 minutes of each section. There is no additional time granted for using the bathroom.

When studying for the GAMSAT students should practice under timed conditions. It may seem like there is a lot of time, but most students do not finish the exam. Many students are left to guess questions in section 1 and 3. By practicing ACER papers and other relevant material under strict time conditions students will be able to adapt to the speed in which to move through the questions in the real exam.

Here is a great resource you can use to practice and improve your timing for section 3:
==> GAMSAT Practice Test

I can not emphasise this enough! When your timing in the GAMSAT you are halfway to achieve a great mark.

Good luck and best of success!
==> GAMSAT Practice Test

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