ACER GAMSAT Practice Test

From: Matthew
Re: ACER GAMSAT Practice Test

The ACER gamsat practice test is in PDF format and can be purchased from this following link –

You must first open an account here in order to purchase to PDF files – ACER GAMSAT Practice Tests. There are a total of 4 practice tests, which costs $45 for a full test and $27 for a half length test.

However, our team have a FREE alternative to the ACER gamsat practice test. If you would like your free acegamsat practice test click below.


acer gamsat practice test

When you download this section 3 test here are a few steps of advice.

  1. Attempt all questions under timed conditions
  2. Check the fully worked solutions and see where you went wrong in relevant questions
  3. Try to understand what the worked solution is showing
  4. Attempt the test 1-2 weeks later and check your progress with the first time you sat the test