Examkrackers For GAMSAT
From: Matthew
Re: examkrackers for gamsat
Over the past few years, we have received hundreds of questions from students asking if they can use examkrackers for gamsat preparation. Well, of course you can… But is it effective?
In my opinion, the examkrackers comprehension-based passages (created for the MCAT exam) can help slightly with gamsat section 1 preparation. However, these passages are extremely long and the question style is slightly different from the gamsat style questions.
Even though some students have said they have benefited from using examkrackers for gamsat preparation, I believe it is always best to study from preparation material which has been created specifically for the GAMSAT exam (not MCAT).
If you would like to get access to some free gamsat practice questions, then you can download our gamsat practice test.
Best of success!
– Matt