GAMSAT Section 3 Strategy

Re: GAMSAT Section 3 Strategy

Before we examine the most effective gamsat section 3 strategy, we will cover a quick outline of this section in the exam.

Okay, so Section 3 of the GAMSAT is the most important section of the three as it is weighted double. This section of the exam tests students knowledge and reasoning ability with 110 multiple choice questions. These multiple choice questions have 4 answer choices (A, B, C, and D) and are based on 4 scientific disciplines. These scientific disciplines are Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physics.

When considering the most effective gamsat section 3 strategy, we can divide preparation into two different aspects.

  1. Learning the fundamentals of all scientific disciplines
  2. Practicing as many gamsat-like questions as possible

Let’s look at the first aspect. It is important that students learn the basics for all of the sciences. Students are required to learn up to first year University for Biology, Organic Chemistry, and General Chemistry. Students are only required to learn up to year 12 level for physics (or A level for students in the UK). All the syllabus topics for the sciences can be found in this post –

However, we’ve made it easy! Our team have released a series of gamsat books which cover everything you need to know for each of the science subjects. With video links throughout and worked examples, this is the most comprehensive gamsat resource ever created.

Click below to learn more:

gamsat preparation


Now, let’s look at the second aspect. This is the most important aspect when it comes to having an effective gamsat section 3 strategy. Students need to practice as many gamsat-like practice questions as possible for Section 3 to improve their reasoning ability. Remember, the gamsat is a reasoning test! Students need to use their knowledge of the sciences and apply this to the science-based reasoning questions in the exam.

Our team have released a gamsat practice package which contains over 1000 of the highest quality series of gamsat practice questions.

Click below to learn more:

gamsat section 3 strategy


Some Other GAMSAT questions Commonly Asked


How is the gamsat scored

Firstly, it is important to know that GAMSAT scores are mapped onto a scale from 0-100 (with a higher number indicating a higher GAMSAT score). According to the statistics, over 95% of students receive a scaled GAMSAT score from 40-80.

The GAMSAT scores are based on a statistical adjustment which is called the Item Response Theory (IRT). This ensures that GAMSAT scores are comparable from year to year. The score you receive in the GAMSAT is your scaled score. So, it is not your actual percentage performance in the exam / raw score.

Your overall GAMSAT score is calculated by using the following formula:

Note: The science section (section III) has twice as much weighting than each of the other sections. This means that Section III is responsible for 50% of your overall mark. However, some universities treat section III with the same weighting as each of the other two sections (I and II). These universities are the University of Sydney and the University of Melbourne.

Section One:  75 Questions in 100 minutes, 25% of your mark

Section Two:  Two essays in one hour, 25% of your mark

Section Three:  110 questions in 170 minutes, 50% of your mark

An offer is based on what percentile your mark falls in
Score above a 65 overall.

Even though it is hard to estimate what would place you in the higher percentiles, and hence achieve an interview offer, it is important to remember that scoring a 65 or below is very unlikely to get you an interview for medicine.  Where once a 60 would have been sufficient at 65 should be your absolute minimum overall score. Note that scores are slightly lower for entry into medicine. A solid section two score is in the 70s.Do not score below a 60 for section one. Score above a 65 for section three.

What Is A Good GAMSAT Score ?

A good GAMSAT score can be relative depending on the cohort, perspective, and on the medical / dental school you are applying for. The following are some guides to use when deciding ‘what is a good gamsat score?’. We will split the scores into three different categories – average, good, and very high.

  • An average GAMSAT score ranges from a score of 56-58. This places a student in approximately the 50th percentile, which means that 50% of students scored below this score in the exam.
  • A good GAMSAT score usually ranges from a 61-64. This places a student in approximately the 75th percentile, which means that 75% of students scored below this score in the exam.
  • A very high GAMSAT score ranges from a score of 72 or higher. This places a student in approximately the 98th percentile, which means that 98% of students scored below this score in the exam.

Note: A ‘good’ gamsat score may be enough for entry into one university, but below the cutoff for another. It is important to also keep in mind that most of the Universities take into consideration your GPA, when deciding to offer you a place for a medical interview.