From: Matthew
Re: GAMSAT Preparation Material PDF
If you are looking to get you hands on GAMSAT Preparation Material PDF (version) then we have a resource for you. The AceGAMSAT team have release a Free GAMSAT Mock Exam, which contains questions just like the real exam!
Students should attempt the GAMSAT Mock Exam under timed conditions. Practising GAMSAT-style questions is the fastest way to improve your GAMSAT score. After completing the exam make sure you go back and check the fully worked solutions for all the questions that you answered incorrectly (if any…).
GAMSAT Preparation Material PDF – Click Below To Download!
This mock exam focuses on section 3 of the GAMSAT, which is the most important section with regards to weighting. Section 3 is weighted double, so students can really increase their overall GAMSAT score if they excel in this section.
You do not have to complete the questions in the order that they are given. You should complete the topics (biology, organic chemistry, general chemistry, and physics) you are best at first. For example, if organic chemistry is your strongest subject then go through the paper and complete all of the organic chemistry questions first. And leave the subject that is your weakest to the end. For example, if you struggle like many students to correctly answer the physics questions then leave these questions to the end. This is beneficial in two ways.
- If you complete the topics you are good at first then you will build up confidence for the actual exam. Confidence can really help you succeed in the GAMSAT.
- Many students run out of time in the GAMSAT and then are forced to guess the answers are the end. This is especially common with section 3. Therefore if you are forced to guess answers to questions that are your weakest points, this is a lot better than guessing answers to questions in which are your best topics.
So go ahead and attempt your GAMSAT preparation material PDF version and I wish you the best of success!
If you’re looking to purchase comprehensive GAMSAT PDF prep books, then click below: