From: Matthew
GAMSAT Preparation Non Science Background
Are you stressed about the GAMSAT because you come from a non science background? Well, don’t stress! You can still smash the exam!
Many students that come from a non science background can ace the GAMSAT in just a few months of study. In fact, the students that generally score higher in the GAMSAT exam come from a non science background. Can you believe that?
GAMSAT Preparation Non Science Background Techniques
It is crucial to learn all of the section 3 science content. Section 3 of the exam is the Reasoning In Biological And Physical Sciences section. Three scientific disciplines are examined through a series of reasoning based questions.
The disciplines that students must learn are:
- Biology
- Chemistry (Organic Chemistry and General Chemistry)
- Physics.
For this section students are given 170 minutes to complete 110 multiple choice questions. These questions will have 4 answer choices. 40% of the questions are related to biology, and 20% of the questions are related to each of the following: general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics.
It is important to remember that the GAMSAT is not a memorisation test – it is a REASONING test. So yes, students do need to learn all of the science content for all topics, however it is most important to learn the actual concepts (rather than memorise facts etc) and to to practise as many questions as possible. Practice makes perfect!
Pro Tip: Preparing for the GAMSAT exam from a non science background can be quite a daunting experience and may seem impossible at the very beginning. Take it day by day, ensure you dedicate extra study time months before the exam and remember- don’t freak out! You got this!
Our team offer a Free GAMSAT Practice Test, which you can use to enhance your GAMSAT reasoning ability for section 3.
Free Practice Material
GAMSAT Preparation Non Science Background
Our team also offer an extensive GAMSAT Study Package which covers everything you need to know for the GAMSAT in great detail. In particular, our GAMSAT Study Package covers all the topic points for each of the sciences tested in the GAMSAT.
This extensive material was created by a team of GAMSAT veterans and specialists who have all achieved in the top 10% of scores in the GAMSAT.
Click below to check it out:
GAMSAT Study Package
GAMSAT Preparation Non Science Background