Is My GAMSAT Score Good Enough?

From: Lindsay
Re: Is My GAMSAT Score Good Enough?

is my gamsat score good enough

It is often pointed out by GAMSAT candidates that it is hard to know how to interpret GAMSAT scores.  First of all, as you should no doubt know from other posts, the exam breaks down in the following fashion:

Section  I:  75 Questions in 100 minutes, 25% of your mark

Section II:  Two essays in one hour, 25% of your mark

Section III:  110 questions in 170 minutes, 50% of your mark

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Before we answer the questions ‘Is my GAMSAT score good enough’, we need to start with the basics. It is necessary to score a mark of above 50 in each of the sections. What this means is that you cannot hope to depend on any particular section to save the day. If you score well in two of the sections, but abysmally in the third, it will mean you are ineligible for an interview, or for a medical / dental place.

So, remember, it is about overall success, not your weighted score, or a strong result in Section III for instance.  This last example is a classic mistake. First of all, it is possible that your plan of scoring very well in Section III, may go awry. The configuration of topics may not be what you expect after all.

Similarly, it is possible that the level of difficulty found in the questions may exceed your expectations.

Finally, even if you score well in Section III, if you score below the minimum for the other two sections your application will be effectively invalidated. So, the big lesson is to remember to try to score well across the board.

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There are number of pieces of advice to follow in terms of looking at your scores:

1. An offer is based on what percentile your mark falls in.

When I sat the GAMSAT, in the early 2000s, a successful applicant to the University of Melbourne Medical School could have a score as low as a 63. This was based on the fact that fewer people sat the exam at that time, and that scores were generally lower. Now more people sit, and thanks to more resources being available for students, scores are higher.  You want to score as high as possible given that the average score continues to climb. 

2. Score above a 65 overall.

Even though it is hard to estimate what would place you in the higher percentiles, and hence achieve an interview offer, it is important to remember that scoring a 65 or below is very unlikely to get you an interview. Where once a 60 would have been sufficient, a 65 should be your absolute minimum overall score.

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