GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 6 – Free!

Re: GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 6

Firstly, if you have not attempted the previous Unit 5 then click the link below before you get started on this unit.

Here’s the link – GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 5

Evaluate and assess this discussion on the basic nature of knowledge.

GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 6


Questions 1-2

Evaluate the political implications of the cartoon below

gamsat section 1 questions unit 6

1. The political tone of the cartoon is expressed through:
A Burlesque
B Contempt
C Irony
D Spite

2. The quote at the top of the cartoon assumes the statement is:
A logically valid
B arguable
C inconsistent
D circular reasoning

gamsat section 1 questions unit 4

Answers – GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 6

1 Correct Answer: C – Irony – we know that what is represented by the speaker is not really what is meant. A, B & D can be deduced to be incorrect quickly.

2 Correct Answer: A – logically valid.  While the quote is B – arguable, this is not the assumption made. C & D are distractors.


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gamsat section 1 questions unit 5

GAMSAT Section 2 Preparation

Re: GAMSAT Section 2 Preparation

So… Let’s talk about GAMSAT section 2 preparation. Firstly, Section 2 may at times seem like a slightly random component of the GAMSAT. Two essays in 30 minutes may seem like a daunting task, especially if you have not had much essay writing practice as part of your undergraduate degree. It may also seem difficult to identify what is expected of you in terms of the content, length and structure of your essays. The following post aims to give you a stepwise approach to planning and practicing your essay writing for section 2.

GAMSAT Section 2 Preparation

gamsat section 2 preparation

Step #1: Appreciate that GAMSAT essays are a unique breed of essay

GAMSAT essays are not the same as essays that you may have written in the past. While they may share a number of the same ingredients (introduction with a thesis, body paragraphs, conclusion etc.) they are not the same as essays that you may have written at school or as part of undergraduate study. This is because you are allowed only a very short amount of time to write your essays. This means that GAMSAT essays can be viewed as ‘mini essays’ or ‘tasters’ of what you would do if you had many hours to compose an essay on a particular topic.

Step #2: Find a structure that works for you

As they say, there are many ways to skin a cat. There is no one single correct way of structuring your GAMSAT essays. The two main structures that appear to be suggested in various preparation texts are a) argument, rebuttal and synthesis, and b) thesis, two to three body paragraphs supporting your thesis, a rebuttal paragraph and then conclusion. It is imperative that you understand the goals of the structure that you are using, and this means knowing how each part of your essay contributes to delivering a cohesive and persuasive argument. If a structure is not making sense to you, find an alternative one that really gels with your style of writing and thinking.

Step #3: Become a thesis master

Are you confused by what is meant by the word thesis? It is nothing mystical! Your thesis is simply a concise statement of the argument that you are delivering in your essay. Practice generating a variety of thesis statements from the one set of quotes, and evaluate the types of ideas and arguments that each thesis would allow you to explore. How interesting is your thesis? How would your thesis compare to the arguments that other people sitting the test are likely to put forward? Could you simplify your thesis to make it more concise yet flexible in terms of allowing you to traverse a variety of diverse ideas? By asking yourself these questions, you can learn to evaluate possible thesis options automatically and not simply go with the first one that pops into your mind.

Step #4: Develop your own marking criteria and apply it to your practice essays

As you read about section 2 and receive feedback on your essays from your peers or from other sources such as tutors, compose a marking scheme that you can use to evaluate your practice essays. This is an excellent way of putting yourself in the mindset of those marking the GAMSAT essay and imagining what they are looking for.

Step #5: Perfect your time management

In the lead up to exam day, you want to ensure that you will be able to complete your essays within time. If you have practiced your structure, you will have an excellent idea of what you can achieve within 30 minutes for each essay. If you are having issues with time management, now is the time to take action! Are your introduction or body paragraphs too lengthy, or are your sentences generally too verbose? Be honest with yourself in terms of where you could save time, and be disciplined! 

By following the above steps, I hope that you can feel confident in approaching section 2 and using it to boost your overall GAMSAT mark!

Happy essay writing!

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GAMSAT Advice – Making GAMSAT as Stress-free as Possible!

Re: GAMSAT Advice

Fact: Studying for and sitting the GAMSAT are stressful activities. At times you may feel frustrated, confused and lacking motivation, while at other moments you may experience excitement and satisfaction. All of these emotions are to be expected! The following post aims to give you GAMSAT advice and suggestions as to how to approach the exam in order to minimise stress and anxiety and maximise your performance.

GAMSAT Advice #1: Have perspective

As difficult as it can be, try and remember why you are sitting the test and what you want to gain from it. It can be tempting to become caught up in the stress of studying for the exam and feel resentment towards the entire process. Remember that while the test is a challenge, it is just a stepping stone towards getting into a career that you are passionate about.

GAMSAT Advice #2: The GAMSAT does not necessarily say anything about your ability to be a doctor

While the Gamsat assesses characteristics important to being a doctor, there are plenty of people who find the test extremely difficult but go on to have incredible careers in medicine. There are also people who breezed through the test and end up finding certain parts of being a medical student really challenging! Try to remember that the test is difficult and lots of very smart people are as stressed and confused as you are.

GAMSAT Advice #3: Set realistic study goals

A mistake that many students make is that of setting near unattainable study expectations. By all means aim high and be ambitious in terms of the effort that you expect yourself to put in! But bear in mind that more hours of study will not necessarily make for better results, especially if you end up feeling stressed or deprived of other activities that give you joy. Schedule in regular rest breaks (and rest days!) and reward yourself with something that you enjoy when you meet your study targets, no matter how small they may be.

GAMSAT Advice #4: Have a plan (and revise it!)

Following on from the point above, it is very important to have a plan that allows you to visualise your goals and identify any areas that really need attention in the lead up to exam day. This can be as simple as an A4 piece of paper with days of the week and tasks scribbled on it, or it could be a spreadsheet or app that helps you to keep track of your study targets. Find something that works for you and keep adjusting your plan to reflect your study priorities closer to the exam date.

GAMSAT Advice #5: Study with others (but don’t stress out with them)

Studying in groups is a fantastic way to learn effectively and efficiently! Use your peers whenever you can by doing practice exams together and explaining your reasoning and strategies to each other. If you can, however, avoid taking on others’ concerns. It can be easy to become stressed by what others are worrying about, but try to have confidence in your own approach and abilities!

I hope that the above advice is useful and assists you in having the smoothest Gamsat experience possible!

Happy studying!

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GAMSAT Strategies For Success

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Re: GAMSAT Strategies For Success

Given that the date for the Gamsat is getting closer and closer, you may be wondering how to maximise the study time that you have left in order to produce the best exam results on the day. It is imperative that you make effective use of your preparation time to preserve your sanity AND give yourself the best chance of success in the exam! The following post is aimed at ensuring you have three simple gamsat strategies that you can readily refer back to when you are feeling lost for direction or confused as to how to best use the time you have left to prepare!

GAMSAT Strategies #1: Have your end goal in mind

Amidst studying for the exam and cramming your head full of information and practice questions, it can be easy to lose track of why you are even sitting the test in the first place. Remember that the exam is only a hurdle (if not a seemingly large one) on the road to gaining entry into medicine and ultimately pursuing a career as a doctor. If you are feeling stressed or fatigued by the process, remember that you simply need to perform as well as you can in as many areas of the test as you can, and that your overall purpose is to gain entry into an area of study that you are passionate about. Also remember that finding the Gamsat challenging does not mean that you will find medicine or working as a doctor similarly difficult.

GAMSAT Strategies #2: Know your strengths and weaknesses and use these to your advantage

Do you find that you struggle with section III yet feel confident with sections I and II? Or are you feeling out of your depth in the essay section yet confident with any kind of organic chemistry thrown your way? Each person’s mind works differently, and that is what makes us unique and talented in areas where others struggle. In terms of the Gamsat, it is highly important that you identify areas that you are still struggling with despite having invested time and study in such parts of the test. If you are confident in a particular area, in the months and weeks before the exam, it is probably a good idea to leave these aspects of the exam and turn your attention to what you find truly difficult. Additionally, be mindful of the areas that you may be able to boost your overall score (for example, you may find essay writing easy) and really use these parts of the test to your advantage.

GAMSAT Strategies #3: Time management is key

In the weeks before the test, it is time to really hone in on time management. Instead of just timing your own essays or setting an alarm on your phone, take it to the next level and have a friend or family member run a timed mock exam for you. Start the exam at roughly the same time that you would on the day of the Gamsat, and take breaks that would reflect the length of the morning break and lunch break on the day. Yes this exercise will take up pretty much a whole day, but it is invaluable to your preparation! Buy your assistance their favourite take-away for dinner and discuss with them where you ran into time management issues and how you might be able to address this.

Refer back to the above strategies and you will be well on the way to performing at your best on the day of the Gamsat!

Happy studying and good luck!




GAMSAT Section 2 – Thesis Brainstorming

Re: GAMSAT Section 2 – Thesis Brainstorming

Do you struggle with generating a thesis from the stimulus material in the GAMSAT section 2 section? Never fear! The ultimate thesis guide is here! The following gives you a step-by-step approach to developing a thesis and identifying ideas that may be explored via that thesis and examples that can be used to demonstrate those ideas!

Step #1: Read all of the quotes and identify the major theme

Read all of the quotes and try to identify what the major theme is. You can do this by explaining the meaning of the quotes back to yourself. The theme may be democracy, environmental protection, technology or the legal system for a type A set of quotes, or trust, relationships, identity or optimism for a type B set of quotes. Once you have done this, pat yourself on the back! You are most of the way there! Identify a single word that captures the main theme.

NB: If you are totally confused by a particular quote, simply ignore it! The theme will be present in the other quotes that you can understand.

Step #2: Identify minor theme/s

This is something that many students overlook! Most people will identify an overarching idea, but fail to pick out smaller yet important sub-themes that the quotes are hinting at. For example, while the overall theme might be environmental protection, a key sub-theme might be social complacency in regards to environmental protection. Or if the theme is relationships for a type B essay, an important sub-theme implied by the quotes might be the importance/ necessity of relationships to human beings. Take the time to identify possible angles that ACER may have wanted students to consider.

Step #3: Take a step back

The next thing that you could do is to pick one of the quotes and compose a thesis in response to it. Nothing wrong with this option at all. If you like this approach, go for it!  If, however, you are finding this difficult or discovering that your essays seem to repeat the same ideas rather than covering various different aspects of a topic, you may find it helpful to give the following process a go…

 gamsat section 2

Step #4: Tweak your thesis (or your arguments and examples!) if needed

If you find that your thesis does not fit with what you would like to discuss, or your examples do not fit with your thesis, keep brainstorming until they match up in a way that will allow you to compose a well-reasoned and sophisticated essay. 

Hopefully the above guide has given you some direction on how to get from the quotes to a thesis. When you attempt GAMSAT Section 2, try to keep all these steps in mind!

Happy writing!


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GAMSAT English – Fundamentals of SI and SII

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Re: GAMSAT English

So… What do you need to know about GAMSAT English?

Sections I and II of the GAMSAT contrast strongly with section III (which can appear to lend itself to a far neater and methodological approach!). The objective of sections I and II can seem quite ambiguous, and as a candidate, it may seem confusing as to how to even approach these aspects of the test. The following post aims to give some suggestions as to what the purpose of sections I and II might be, and how individuals struggling with these aspects of the exam may be able to feel more comfortable and confident.

Why are sections I and II even included in the GAMSAT?

This question cannot be answered for sure, but it is possible to put ourselves in the minds of those at ACER and imagine why they have included these components. Communication skills are (somewhat obviously) very important to being a doctor, and this includes strong comprehension and writing skills. Section I appears to also test candidates’ vocabularies (as many questions rely on students understanding the meaning of a particular word) and their ability to make inferences and deductions from textual information. Section I also seems to focus on students’ ability to perceive shades of grey (e.g. many questions ask for ‘the best’ answer out of a variety of technically correct options), and require the ability to contrast various points of view and pieces of evidence. Section II may be seen as testing candidates’ overall ability to formulate an argument in a logical and empathetic way. Considering why these components of the test have been included can help you in approaching and succeeding in these sections.

Ok great. But how can I improve my GAMSAT English abilities over a fairly short amount of time?

As a tutor for sections I and II, many students often ask me how they can improve their English skills in the lead up to the exam. They often express frustration at the fact that some of their peers find sections I and II far easier than they do, and seem to have ‘innate’ abilities (such as comprehension and writing skills). It should be acknowledged that language skills do form gradually over a long period of time, and individuals who have been speaking and writing in English all of their lives are at an advantage compared to those who may, for example, speak English as their second language. It is not realistic to expect to reform all of your English abilities over a few months, but by honing in on a number of aspects, you can drastically improve how you perform in the exam.

The following lists things that everyone can focus on in relation to sections I and II and make the experience of studying for the test less overwhelming. 

For section I…
  • Practice active reading (take as much as you can from the text the first time you read it by making use of flow charts, underlining, reading to yourself in an interesting voice etc.)
  • Ask yourself what is wrong with each answer rather than selecting the correct answer, and ask which answer is most strongly supported by evidence in the text
  • Keep a list of text types that you find challenging and spend more time doing practice questions on these
  • Go over your answers with a friend and explain out loud why you picked/ crossed off various answer options
  • Learn to leave a question that is confusing you and move on to a new one
  • Develop a list of language techniques (metaphor, simile, repetition, onomatopoeia etc.) as simply knowing what these terms mean can make answering certain questions much easier!
For section II…
  • Remember that there are a lot of marks for good structure and logical argument, even if your grammar is not perfect or you feel that your vocabulary could be more advanced
  • Find words that you enjoy using in your essays that are persuasive and examples of a developed vocabulary (you don’t need a huge list, but you can become practiced in using selected, excellent words)
  • Remember that your ideas don’t need to be complex to be powerful (sometimes a more straightforward thesis is more effective!)
  • Use your own perspective to your advantage (if you have a unique background – as we all do! – use this to add individuality to your essays, especially for type b section II essays)

Hopefully, these suggestions help you to improve your approach to developing your English skills for the Gamsat!

Happy studying!

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GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 4 – Free!

From: Matthew
Re: GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 4


GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 4

Unit 4
Questions 1-5

Carefully read and assess Keats’ classic poem – Ode on a Grecian Urn


1                     Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness,             

       Thou foster-child of silence and slow time,

Sylvan historian, who canst thus express

       A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:

What leaf-fring’d legend haunts about thy shape

       Of deities or mortals, or of both,

               In Tempe or the dales of Arcady?

       What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?

What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?

10                     What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard

       Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;

Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear’d,

       Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone:

Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leave

       Thy song, nor ever can those trees be bare;

               Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss,

Though winning near the goal yet, do not grieve;

       She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss,

20                          For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!     

Ah, happy, happy boughs! that cannot shed

         Your leaves, nor ever bid the Spring adieu;

And, happy melodist, unwearied,

         For ever piping songs for ever new;

More happy love! more happy, happy love!

         For ever warm and still to be enjoy’d,

               For ever panting, and for ever young;

All breathing human passion far above,

         That leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloy’d,

      30                              A burning forehead, and a parching tongue. 

Who are these coming to the sacrifice?

         To what green altar, O mysterious priest,

Lead’st thou that heifer lowing at the skies,

         And all her silken flanks with garlands drest?

What little town by river or sea shore,

         Or mountain-built with peaceful citadel,

               Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn?

And, little town, thy streets for evermore

         Will silent be; and not a soul to tell

40                              Why thou art desolate, can e’er return.

O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with brede

         Of marble men and maidens overwrought,

With forest branches and the trodden weed;

         Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought

As doth eternity: Cold Pastoral!

         When old age shall this generation waste,

               Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe

Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st,

         “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all

50                      Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”


1. In Keats’ poem the reader is presented images:
A. which represent the Victorian era
B. which are inconsistent and contradictory
C. frozen and outside of time
D. sculptured with dynamism

2. An oxymoron is a juxtaposition of dissimilar words, which of the following phrases from the poem BEST represents an oxymoron?
A. peaceful citadel
B. slow time
C. wild ecstasy
D. parching tongue

3. A paradox is a literal contradiction. Which of the following statements from the poem is NOT a paradox? Which is the EXCEPTION?
A. unravish’d bride
B. heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard sweeter
C. maidens overwrought
D. ditties of no tone

4. The last two lines are in quotes. We never can actually know who is speaking the quote. This represents:
A. High Satire
B. Permanent Ambiguity
C. Narrative Irony
D. Romantic Uncertainty

5. In line 41, one can infer that the term “brede” can be defined as:
A. brought up
B. tribe or breed
C. embroidery
D. ornate sculpture

gamsat section 1 questions unit 4

Answers – GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 4

1. Correct Answer: C – the images on the urn are frozen within the sculpture and outside of time. A can be ruled out quickly. B can easily be deduced to be incorrect, and D is vague.

 2 Correct Answer: A – peaceful citadel. Citadels are created for war. B, C & D can be deduced to be incorrect rather easily.

 3 Correct Answer: C – maidens overwrought. All A, B, & C are paradoxes if read closely – literal contradictions.

 4 Correct Answer: B – Permanent Ambiguity – we will never know who is speaking. A & C can be ruled out quite quickly, while D sounds good, it does not capture the essence of B.

 5 Correct Answer: C – embroidery. A knowledge of Greek and Latin roots would help in answering this question. A, B & C are distractors. Also the passage is indicative of this embroidery:

O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with brede

                 Of marble men and maidens overwrought


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GAMSAT Books to Read – Updated Book List

Re: GAMSAT Books To Read – New Recommendations!

Many students send through emails asking “what are the recommended GAMSAT books to read?” My answer is always simple! Any reading of any kind is beneficial. Why? Because reading gives you new knowledge (obviously!), improves your comprehension skills and basically acts as a gym session for every part of your brain! So, in short, reading is great!

However, many people find that they do not have a huge amount of time available to them to study in the lead up to the exam, and would like to know how to get the best bang for their buck (or book…). The following is of course not an exhaustive list but aims to provide you with some direction if you are wondering what sort of reading material might be especially useful when preparing for the exam.

First things first: what you can do anytime you are reading (no matter what it is that you are reading!).

  1. Practice active reading. This means not zoning off and thinking about what you are going to have for dinner (or god forbid, how stressed you are about the Gamsat!) but really bringing your mind back to the contents of the text. Some people find that circling keywords is helpful, while others may find drawing a brief timeline of events down the side of their page (e.g. of the points in an argument or the events in a complicated narrative) useful. You can even try reading to yourself in an interesting voice (e.g. David Attenborough)…in your head, of course! Find whatever works for you, and practice your strategies for active reading as much as possible.
  2. Practice reading efficiently! Once you are happy that you are actively reading (i.e. actually taking in what the text is saying), start practicing to see how fast you are able to read whilst still absorbing the information. It is important to be able to read efficiently so that you don’t waste time (especially in sections I and III).
  3. Be analytical. Reading a news story on your phone? Consider who wrote it, what the writer’s objective is, and what kinds of arguments could be raised against the perspective/s contained in the piece. Consider the meaning behind advertisements, cartoons, political speeches and television programs.

Before we cover some recommended readings, you should download our free GAMSAT essay writing guide. This is the most important book you will ever read for your GAMSAT section 2 essay preparation.

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Free GAMSAT Essay Writing Book

Ok great. What are some useful GAMSAT books to read?

Any reading is good…but here are a few suggestions!

Name Why it’s good
Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein Gives you practice at reading a more formal form of an English text. Themes: Humankind exceeding its boundaries, manipulation of nature, women’s autonomy.
Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights


Also gives you practice at reading something a little different! Themes: patriarchal society, insanity, reality versus perception, reason versus emotion.
William Golding’s Lord of the Flies


Good to use in essays if discussing corruption, human group psychology etc. Themes: corruption, exploitation of the weak, survival.
Virginia Woolf’s Orlando


A fairly straightforward text from the 1920’s. Themes: gender/ gender equality, sexuality, relationships, mortality.
George Orwell’s 1984


A good text to consider for essays. Examines many aspects of human nature and explores fears relating to the modern world. Themes: censorship, individual versus society, corruption.
George Orwell’s Animal Farm Also great for essays! Good reference when discussing human nature/psychology. Themes: corruption, group dynamics.


Ultimately, the fastest way to improve is by learning the required content, tips, and strategies… and then applying these the thousands of practice questions. Students should practice writing as many essays as possible for Section 2 and it is highly advisable to receive feedback for each essay (either from a friend or a professional Gamsat essay marking service). Students should check out our GAMSAT Study Material below, which contains everything you need to learn for all three sections + 1000’s of practice questions which are just like the real exam.

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Other things to consider:

  • Newspapers/ news websites
  • Comics/ cartoons/ advertisements/ graphs
  • The Economist (discusses a lot of current issues succinctly and simply)
  • National Geographic
  • Mama Mia (website that covers a lot of contemporary issues circulating in the media)

Hopefully, these suggestions assist you in selecting useful reading material in preparation for the GAMSAT.

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GAMSAT Section 1 Questions Unit 2 – Free!

From: Matthew
Re: GAMSAT Section 1 Questions

This post contains gamsat section 1 questions which are similar to the questions in section 1 of the actual exam. It is recommended that students complete these questions under timed conditions. Students should allow 7 minutes to complete all questions.

GAMSAT Section 1 Questions

Questions 1-5

Read and evaluate Virginia Woolf’s short story “Green and Blue.” Pay particular attention to the narrative’s imagery.


The pointed fingers of glass hang downwards. The light slides down the glass, and drops a pool of green. All day long the ten fingers of the lustre drop green upon the marble. The feathers of parakeets their harsh cries­sharp blades of palm trees green, too; green needles glittering in the sun. But the hard glass drips on to the marble; the pools hover above the desert sand; the camels lurch through them; the pools settle on the marble; rushes edge them; weeds clog them; here and there a white blossom; the frog flops over; at night the stars are set there unbroken. Evening comes, and the shadow sweeps the green over the mantelpiece; the ruffled surface of ocean. No ships come; the aimless waves sway beneath the empty sky. It’s night; the needles drip blots of blue. The green’s out.


The snub-nosed monster rises to the surface and spouts through his blunt nostrils two columns of water, which, fiery-white in the centre, spray off into a fringe of blue beads. Strokes of blue line the black tarpaulin of his hide. Slushing the water through mouth and nostrils he sings, heavy with water, and the blue closes over him dowsing the polished pebbles of his eyes. Thrown upon the beach he lies, blunt, obtuse, shedding dry blue scales. Their metallic blue stains the rusty iron on the beach. Blue are the ribs of the wrecked rowing boat. A wave rolls beneath the blue bells. But the cathedral’s different, cold, incense laden, faint blue with the veils of madonnas.

1. The most noticeable thing absent from both narratives is paradoxically:
A. a sense of place
B. a well-defined narrator
C. a sense of theme
D. a tonal feeling

2. The main images in Green emanate from:
A. marble
B. parakeets
C. the ocean
D. a chandelier

3. The main images in Blue emanate
A. from a fish
B. from the ocean
C. the sky’s reflection
D. a boat on the beach  

4. The best way to describe both narratives is
A. image painting
B. abstract expression
C. surrealism
D. concrete poetry

5. The main theme of both narratives is:
A. transformation
B. how colour takes form
C. the metamorphosis of shape
D. contrasts of colours

gamsat section 1 questions

Answers to GAMSAT Section 1 Questions

1. Correct answer: B. In both narratives there is certainly a sense of place and theme, as well as a feeling of tone, the images are predominant as almost being poetic. We are never really given a sense of voice or narrator (B) within the passages.

2. Correct Answer: D. One must infer from the first sentence that “the fingers” are pointing down from a chandelier. A & B are both mentioned, yet secondary. C can be ruled out very easily.

3. Correct Answer: A. While all B, C, & D are included or implied. A close reading indicates some sort of fish as the dominant origin of the images. 

4. Correct Answer: A – image painting. While there are elements of B & C these would not be the best to describe the narratives. D can be ruled out very quickly.

5. Correct Answer: B – how colour takes form. A, C, & D are all themes, but none are the main theme and inclusive under B.


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Studying For GAMSAT – Breakdown Of Each Section

From: Matthew
Re: Studying For GAMSAT

If you’ve just started studying for GAMSAT, the first thing you must be aware of is that the GAMSAT is a reasoning test. It is not like your normal university exams which examine your ability to recall information.

There are three different sections in the GAMSAT.

Studying for GAMSAT – Section 1

Section 1 is called the Humanities and Social Sciences section. This section contains 75 multiple choice questions to be completed in 100 minutes. The questions can be categorised into 4 different categories.

  • Poetry
  • Prose
  • Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • Graphics and Illustrations

Studying for GAMSAT – Section 2

Section 2 is called the Written Communication section. This section contains two essay tasks to be completed within 60 minutes. For each essay task there are 5 given quotes, which surround a common theme.

The following is a sample of an essay task which may be given in the GAMSAT written communication section.

Consider the following comments and develop a piece of writing in response to one or more of them.

Your writing will be judged on the quality of your response to the theme; how well you organise and present your point of view, and how effectively you express yourself. You will not be judged on the views or attitudes you express.

1: “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

Nelson Mandela

2. “Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself – that is my doctrine.”

Thomas Paine, The Age Of Reason

3. “She would be half a planet away, floating in a turquoise sea, dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar.”

Janet Fitch, White Oleander

4. “Those people, who hate you, envy your freedom.”

Santosh Kalwar, Quote Me Everyday

5. “If my last name were Om, I’d want my first name to be Fred. Fred Om isn’t worth fighting for, but an extra “e” is.”

Jarod Kintz, Who Moved My Choose?: An Amazing Way to Deal With Change by Deciding to Let Indecision Into Your Life

Note: We can see the theme in these above quotes is Freedom.

Studying for GAMSAT – Section 3

Section 3  is called the Biological and Physical Sciences section. This section consists of 110 multiple choice questions to be completed in 170 minutes. This section contains biology, chemistry (organic and general), and physics questions.

If you’re studying for the gamsat and would like to test yourself with some practice section 3 questions, then download of free GAMSAT Practice Test.

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